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Final Project Update: Website Creation

Today I have been very busy working on my final project. Aside from research, I have been experimenting with Omeka. I have written and uploaded some content, however, it does not appear on my website. I believe I have missed something along the way which makes the content I have added to my website public. Nevertheless, I will continue working and hopefully get things up and running (and visible). Aside from that, I have been relatively satisfied with my Omeka experience. The fact that the web publishing software is based around showcasing historical materials works for me as I have no shortage of photos and maps to add to it. One thing that is a little concerning to me is the fact that there does not appear to be a function devoted solely to text. This is not too big of an issue as I can always use items as microcosms of the history of the Ward and just write a lengthy and elaborate description linking the item to its historical context. Thanks to advice I have received from the Wellington County Museum, I have tracked down some excellent sources, one of which is devoted entirely to the Ward, which should help along my research project. Accordingly, a thank you goes out to Nick for suggesting the Wellington County Museum to me. Additionally, a walking tour of the Ward is available from the Guelph Arts Council as well as the Guelph Civic Museum. As I will be at the Museum Wednesday, I plan to defy Professor Ross’ instructions on only using free content and purchase a copy (mostly for my own interests, in addition to the project). This will give me a bit of an idea of what is out there, so I can shape my project in a unique direction. Today, I also took a couple hours to do a lengthy walk around the Ward and take some photos, so I will leave you with some of the most interesting ones. This will also be a bit of a sneak peak as some of these will surely end up on my website:
As mentioned in my presentation, gentrification is occurring in the Ward and, as you can see, is not a process welcomed by Ward residents.


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